kurzwelle II

a musical dialogue
between young composers from Germany and Japan

Foto: Isao Kanemaki

by Duo Vertige
Rie Watanabe
(percussion) | Miriam Schröder (harp)

in cooperation with Paradise Air and ON – Neue Musik Köln

The project kurzwelle wants to support young composers on their paths into a professional career.  First initiated in 2017 with the Cologne based ensemble hand werk, Duo Vertige continued the project in 2021 with kurzwelle II. Six young composers were comissioned a new piece for the duo and its extraordinary instrumentation of harp and percussion. Close contact with the interpreters, plenty of rehearsal time and a CD production could convey valuable experiences and broadened the repertoire of the duo with six original compositions.

                                                      Natsuki Niwa          Dariya Maminova

                                           Takuya Harashima          Peter Rubel

                                             Hotaka Tanikawa          Nayoung Yuk         

Just as within Duo Vertige itself, kurzwelle II is shaped by intercultural dialogue. Three composers based in Japan and three from the contemporary music scene of Nordrhein-Westfalen in Germany came together in Cologne to develop their pieces in intensive rehearsals and close collaboration with the musicians. In the process, Mirjam Schröder from Germany and the Japanese Rie Watanabe could pass on their musical proficiency and rich experience in working together with composers. Furthermore, the videographer Isao Kanemaki (Paradise Air) has been documenting the project to benefit future generations. Thus, kurzwelle II becomes a model for longterm musical and international dialogue.


The concert took place on October 1st 2021 at Lutherkirche in Cologne’s Südstadt. The recording was done from 2nd to 4th of October at Tersteegenkirche in Cologne-Dunnwald.

kurzwelle II ist ein Projekt von Duo Vertige, in Kooperation mit Paradise Air sowie ON – Neue Musik Köln und wird gefördert vom Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen, der Kunststiftung NRW sowie dem Musikfonds e.V.

Alle Fotos: Isao Kanemaki | Anfragen gerne an duovertige@gmail.com.

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